The World Tied .5 Trillion-Plus of Debt to Inflation. The Costs Are Now Adding Up.

The World Tied $3.5 Trillion-Plus of Debt to Inflation. The Costs Are Now Adding Up.

Listen to article (2 minutes) Governments and companies around the world spent decades loading up on trillions of dollars of debt whose interest costs rise and fall alongside inflation. But what served as cheap funding when prices were stagnant has rapidly become more expensive.  Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8

The World Tied $3.5 Trillion-Plus of Debt to Inflation. The Costs Are Now Adding Up. Read More »

Big Companies Seeing Tax Benefits From Law Change Some of Them Fought

Big Companies Seeing Tax Benefits From Law Change Some of Them Fought

Some large technology and pharmaceutical companies are telling investors that a new tax-law change is reducing their tax rates. It’s the same tax-law change corporate executives at many companies have been urging Congress to reverse.  The provision requires companies to spread their deductions for research expenses over at least five years instead of writing them

Big Companies Seeing Tax Benefits From Law Change Some of Them Fought Read More »

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